What Does A Risk Management Consultant Do?

Before exploring what risk management consultants cover, it helps to look at what exactly risk management is.

Risk management is often defined as the process of identifying, examining, prioritising and mitigating risks that affect the achievement of objectives in any endeavour, whether it’s related to your business, a new project or investment.

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The first stage in risk management is always identifying potential risks that could impact your project or organisation. This can involve a variety of techniques, from using historical data and conducting interviews, to analysing various information. Fortunately, technology has made this process much more efficient and accurate. 

Once a risk assessment has been completed, you will know the likelihood of an incident happening, and what potential impact it could have. This is often done using techniques such as:

  • qualitative analysis (ranking risks based on subjective measures)
  • quantitative analysis (assigning numerical values to risks).

Once risks are assessed, they should be prioritised based on their significance. Risks with higher likelihood and impact are focused on by experts. 

Mitigation involves taking actions to reduce the likelihood or impact of identified risks. This could include implementing preventive measures, transferring risks through insurance or contracts, accepting certain risks, or developing contingency plans.

Risk management is not usually a one-off process.

Risks should be monitored continuously throughout a project or its lifecycle. it ‘s important to have regular reviews and updates to the risk management plan are necessary to ensure its effectiveness.

Effective risk management should be part of the decision-making process at all levels of any business. It ensures that any contingencies are considered when making strategic, operational, and tactical decisions.


Along with using expert consultants, successful risk management demands a positive work culture. 

You want to encourage open communication, accountability and ensure your staff are able to address challenges proactively.

Nowadays, various tools and technologies can be used for this process, such as risk management software and data analytics. All can support the risk management process by enhancing risk identification, analysis, and monitoring capabilities.

What common categories of risks are there?

Risks are usually categorised into various types, including:

  • strategic risks (related to achieving organisational objectives)
  • operational risks (arising from internal processes and systems)
  • financial risks (related to financial markets and assets)
  • compliance risks (concerning adherence to laws and regulations), and reputational risks (affecting the company’s reputation).

Businesses need to look at the amount of risk they are willing to accept in pursuit of their objectives. This guides decision-making and risk management activities

The role of risk management consultants in this process.

Our risk management consultants can help you mitigate risks that could affect your operations, finances, reputation or other aspects of their business. Here’s just a few of the tasks we can carry out:

Thorough risk assessments that look at a number of factors. 

Our consultants conduct in-depth assessments to identify any potential risks within your processes, systems or work environment. This involves analysing internal and external factors that could pose threats.

Once these risks are identified, we analyse their potential impact and how likely they are to arise. This often involves quantitative analysis, such as calculating probabilities and potential financial losses.

New World Norm can then help with risk mitigation planning.

Our consultants work with you to develop strategies and plans to mitigate identified risks. This could include implementing new procedures, enhancing security measures, or purchasing insurance coverage.

We also assist in developing risk management policies and procedures tailored to the specific needs and objectives of the organisation. These policies help establish guidelines for risk identification, assessment, and response.

Meet the latest regulations in your industry. 

Whether you work in retail, hospitality or logistics, our consultants can ensure you comply with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards. We love helping organisations understand and adhere to legal requirements to reduce any potential liabilities.

We can also provide training sessions and educational materials to employees on risk management practices and protocols. This helps create a culture of risk awareness and encourages proactive risk mitigation efforts at all levels of the business..

Continuous monitoring and improvement is vital for risk management. 

Our consultants continually monitor risks, evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation measures, and recommend adjustments as needed to adapt to changing circumstances.

In the event of a crisis or unexpected risk event, we can provide guidance and support to help you respond effectively. This may involve developing crisis communication plans, coordinating response efforts, and assisting with recovery and resilience strategies.

To sum up, our risk management consultants can play a crucial role in keeping your business running smoothly. We help you prepare for and respond to various risks, ultimately helping safeguard their long-term success and sustainability.

Find out more about what our risk management consultants do. Or simply contact our friendly team for more information.

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✅ Evaluate your business Risks?
✅ Educate your teams on Risk Management?
Contact us today so that we can work with you to create effective solutions that deliver results.
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